First Iteration
My initial idea when I received this project was that I wanted to construct my project fully of recycled materials. The pencils I wanted to make the box for was my charcoal pencils, so i found a slick paper to line it in, so I could easily clean the box out to get the charcoal bits out. This paper went against using all materials I had found and recycled, and I wasn't too impressed by it. My biggest issue I had on this iteration was the lid. It wasn't supportive at all and it would sink into the center when you closed it. I wrote "drawing" words all over the box and words I associated drawing with. After I did it I then decided I didn't like it at all and if I wanted to continue my idea with the words I would cut out letters to spell out the words with newspaper.
My initial idea when I received this project was that I wanted to construct my project fully of recycled materials. The pencils I wanted to make the box for was my charcoal pencils, so i found a slick paper to line it in, so I could easily clean the box out to get the charcoal bits out. This paper went against using all materials I had found and recycled, and I wasn't too impressed by it. My biggest issue I had on this iteration was the lid. It wasn't supportive at all and it would sink into the center when you closed it. I wrote "drawing" words all over the box and words I associated drawing with. After I did it I then decided I didn't like it at all and if I wanted to continue my idea with the words I would cut out letters to spell out the words with newspaper.
My second iteration I added in dividers so that each pencil would have it's own spot so they wouldn't roll around and hit each other. This would prevent a lot of charcoal residue on the paper. I decided not to cover it in the shiny paper because it wasn't very practical on quality construction. The paper I had was too thick and it went against my recycled materials. This time I constructed the box out of cardboard so it would be more structured and secure. I still had to use the matte board for the dividers because the cardboard was too thick. The layout was working a lot better for me, however the lid still was not. The shape was off and wasn't helping out the actual form of the box.
This is my final iteration. I decided to line the bottom in matte board to break up the newspaper and rest the eye. I decided I need to keep it to just black and white print on the box and not pictures that had nothing to do with my box. I also changed the lid so that it would go in the direction of the strips of newspaper. This way the lid laid flat and overall was more successful rather than the "ying yang" shaped lid. I Modge Podged the lid to protect the newspaper and keep it more sealed. There were still some pieces that curled up a little. The dividers were not as successful as the second iteration and I feel like If I was more focused I would have succeeded at them better. The day I found out we needed to make our final iteration for Friday my best friend called me and told me her father has passed away that night and ever since the phone call I was a mess and was hard for me to focus. The next day in class we were allowed to work on our projects but I was only focusing on getting home to Charlotte to be with her. I know if circumstances were different I would have had a higher quality result in the end. Everyone has their off days and projects and I just have to improve for the next one.
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