This semester we were all asked to take a fruit/vegetable and draw it. Front, Top, Side, cut open, zoomed in, zoomed out, etc. We were then assigned to make graphic patterns out of the fruit. Once that was done we were asked to each bring in some sort of tool. I choose a wine/bottle opener. We were assigned to distort the graphic patterns with the motion the tool creates and/or incorporate the tool into the patterns. For the most part I enjoyed this, seeing how you can go from such an organic form, like my orange, to such graphically pleasing designs. Then became the harder assignment. Create a haiku from your pattern/fruit and create a 2D statement that goes side by side. Well I am not "wordly" gifted and I struggled with this writing and rewriting. I was finally satisfied in the end with it, focusing on the layers of the orange.
peel away gray days,
capture each delicious slice,
taste tangy pleasure.
Once this was all said and done we were then assigned to construct a model/visual statement of one of our distorted patterns. Iteration after iteration mine transformed from a "birthday cake" to some sort of hurricane tunnel. I chose to downsize the scale a lot because I felt it created a more physically pleasing space for a person to fit in and more purposeful. Once everything was made, we were assigned groups to present in. We were asked to display 15 of our best drawings and 4 models showing our process along the way. I think it turned out very well in the end.
First Iteration
Second Iterationplaying with form.
Third Iterationadding color.
Fourth Iteration
playing with height.
Fifth Iteration